Your Money Situation Does NOT Define YOU!

“I’m broke, I’m worthless…..”. Have you ever heard anyone say these words? Have you ever said these words? I think we have all been there before. Bank accounts looking kind of low and it automatically makes us feel like crap and less of a person. I personally have been there and yes, it can really mess with your self confidence. However I am here to tell you that You ARE NOT Defined By Your Financial Situation!

Stay Positive

I know this can be a hard task to do when your bills and outstanding debts are constantly lingering in your thoughts. Positive thoughts can literally make or break you when it comes to getting out a bad financial situation. When those negative thoughts come to mind about your money, replace them with positive thoughts.

“I WILL get through this…My net worth DOES NOT equal my self worth…”

Create a Strategy to Improve Your Situation

It is very easy to do nothing when you are feeling overwhelmed with your finances. In fact, that is what most people do, we ignore the letters that are coming in the mail, send the calls from bill collectors to voicemail and just flat out stop paying our bills. This obviously is not the answer and no matter how much you ignore the problem it will still be there. To create this strategy, sit down and determine all of your options. This could be looking for ways to increase your income, cutting back on certain expenses to free up extra cash or even seeking outside guidance to walk you through creating this strategy to get you back on track.

Ask For Help

Asking for help is one of the most difficult tasks for most people. In order to ask for help, you have to admit that you messed up and you have to tell other people about your problem. This is the main reason people don’t like to ask for help. You automatically assume that people will judge you, and look down upon you. But believe it or not, most people have been in your shoes at one point or another and they can share their experiences, resources and be a sounding board as you work on changing your situation.

It’s very critical to know that you are NOT alone in your financial journey. Everyone has been through a tough financial patch, including some of the richest people in the world. Even Donald Trump has filed bankruptcy 4 times! You are not defined by your money situation, its just temporary, you can get through this.

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