It’s June 17th! I am beyond excited.  I am headed to NYC to host our first Finances Demystified outside of DC.  This will be the first stop on our Social Money Movement Tour!

For me, this is one of those days when I had to stop for second, reflect and ask myself, “Am I really headed to NYC to host a freaking Finances Demystified event?!”  I of course answered myself, “Hell yea!”

When I had the idea for these events, literally 2 years ago, I was very hesitant about actually pursuing it.  Now we all know that I love everything personal finance, investing and money related…but thats not the same for the rest of the world.  All I wanted was to make money something that people were not scared to talk about, something that was openly discussed and could become common knowledge for all…thats it nothing major.  I wanted money to be discussed in an environment, where people were not wearing suits, there were no powerpoint slides and you didn’t feel like were you being talked down to for not knowing what a stock was.  I wanted these events to occur in places you would not normally expect personal finance to be discussed, like lounges, bars and your favorite brunch spot.

As with any new idea you have, there is always hesitation and when it comes to a topic as frowned upon as personal finance….you see how it took me so long to host my first event.

Last November, I hosted my first Finances Demystified event at Dirty Martini in Washington, D.C. I remember being so scared, that no one was going to come. I just wanted to remove the stigma surrounding money and educate a few people…that’s it.  With all of the amazing events going on each evening in DC, I was beyond sure that no one would show up to a event based around personal finance.  But they did, and not just a few people about 65 people showed up! I was shocked!  People were drinking Student Loan Debt Killer Martinis (not surprisingly very popular), and ordering Roth IRA cocktails (you never hear these terms at a lounge), networking and obtaining some personal finance knowledge.

When I went home that evening and thought about what I had accomplished and all of the great feedback that I received from the event, I was literally in tears. To turn one of your Dreams2Reality is one of the best feelings in the world, and it’s addictive.  I have a had a few more events in DC, and now I want to share the Finances Demystified experience with the world!

I am physically on the bus as I type this post. I had to stop and share my story as often times, people think things just happen when you are on the outside looking in. We all get nervous and have doubts and hesitations…but what separates the people who dream and the ones that are making their dreams come true is ACTION!  Take action today on your dreams, don’t just think about them, you’ll thank me later 😉